Grown-ups never understand anything for themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them. ~Antoine de Saint-Exupèry
Friday, March 6, 2009
My darling kid.
One of the few pictures of the boy and I. The Android isn't quite as much of a shutter bug as I am - I had to beg him to take pictures of us last night.
I'm a little neurotic... a little chubby... but otherwise an all around fabulous gal.
I live with Android and The Czar and two cats who control my life.
Love this. It's fantastic of both you guys.
This one gives me warm fuzzy innards.
LOL I just posted on Flickr how nice it is to get some pictures with your kids. I am in the same boat!
It's a great picture though!
No worries! We will take many pics of you and the boy in SC.
MWAH. Lovely. And I will take 1000000s pictures of you and the boy, anytime.
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