Monday, September 29, 2008

I totally fuckin' jinxed myself.

The boy and I are sharing a cold. Let me tell you how awesome last night was. Oh, did I say "awesome"? I meant "terrible". He woke up at 4am with this cold - he was all phlegm-y and howl-y and scream-y , and I couldn't do anything but feed him and rock him. I finally got him to sleep for about an hour only to repeat the process. It is 7:17, he just ate again, he's sleeping in my bed.

The Android went to the grocery store for orange juice, a bag of oranges (he believes vitamin C cures all), and a nasal aspirator for the baby. We lost the one we had three weeks ago.

Bah to colds. Bah to sick babies.


Unknown said...

Gah, I'm sorry! I feel responsible. Let me know if you need anything. Much love to you and the boy.

webbith said...

It was inevitable. I'm just glad I don't have to be anywhere til Thursday.